Tuesday, April 25, 2006


On my Starsky, I now have both front panels and the back panel finished, the collar finished and one sleeve finished. All of these are blocked, sewen togather and seamed. I am still working on sleeve #2 and I'm also working on the belt.

I have also started working on birthday presents for my nieces Justice and Laney. Justice will be 9 in August and Laney will be 2 in August. I am knitting Justice a small striped purse that I will felt and then sew on a knitted butterfly, and Laney is getting a Summer Swing Top (from freepatterns.com).

I'm still working on that pair of Regia Strato Socks that I posted about before. These are going really slow because they're my 'for when I'm bored/waiting' project.

Yesterday, I didn't feel like knitting. So you want to know what I did? I went through all of my saved internet/free patterns and the ones I've already printed. I printed the ones I had saved then I organized all of the patterns into a 1" binder I have. I have a sock section, sweater section, hat section, a section for scarves/shawls/wraps, a misc. accessories section, general help section and a crochet section. I have 76 knitting patterns in this binder. If I want to add any more I will need a new binder. I could barely close the rings on this one.


Emma said...

Good for you, getting all organized. I've been meaning to do that too.

Emma said...

Good for you, getting all organized. I've been meaning to do that too.